Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why I don't like FDI in retail

Even JP of loksatta criticises AAP moves to block FDI in retail in Delhi.

All I know, I found local Marwari Kirana dukaan cheaper than current star bazaar and big bazaar.  One logic which opposer gives is, we will learn from Walmart on supply chain and retailing. But how come RAmdev baba manages to open worlds largest franchisee stores in every town of India w/o any experience and skills. I believe no need to copy business models of USA in India. What works their may not work here. We can't have monopolised market driven economy like US, we have billion hands and we need millions of entrepreneurs, we should encourage that. There should be a lot more safety net for local Kirana before allowing FDI, even SC observations said same.

Hence, I would expect to encourage local business with 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Dream Team of AAP as central Govt.


  1. Captain Gopinath as aviation, 
  2. @meerasanyal as Finace Minister, 
  3. @AapYogendra as Human Resource & Development, 
  4. Bala as Information Technology minister, 
  5. Prashant Bhushan as Law, 
  6. Missing @thekiranbedi as HM, 
  7. Mr. Shantanu Bhagwat an ex IFS from Indore as foreign minister, 
  8. Ashwin Mahesh of loksatta as Urban Development minster & Science & Technology ministry
  9. Prof Anand Kumar as Social Justice and Empowerment minister
  10. Mr. Jai Prakash Narayan of Loksatta as Railway minister or Defence Minister

Any suggestions for Defence Ministry?

Does Congress/BJP has such talented people to fill the cabinet of Central Govt.?
...and there are many more eminent personalities to occupy other important portfolio, please comment below what would be your choice to award ministries, if AAP form the Govt in Center.

who bothers now about PM post, to which media made sole issue :D (NaMo vs RaGa rubbish)
And I think biggest responsibility of PM is usually, building his cabinet to run govt. (remember the role of king in game of chess).  Lets play this game friends, put the name of AAP leader, which you would choose to give specific ministry as comment below.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Portal Enhancements

Allow User to Register and Login

Note:- Login/Regstration of User won’t be mandatory for User to browse home-page as per his, any specified location. We can store his specified location in cookie/localStorage to open in by default, if he opens, next time.
1.       Allow User to login (using OAuth) and Register. During Regisration Ask User’s
a.       Location,
b.      Date of Birth,
c.       Name,
d.      Email
e.      Ask if he has Valid Voter ID Card?
2.       Allow user to edit this above basic information. Ask User’s Twitter/Facebook credential too if he has not authenticated via these services.
3.       After Registration/Login Navigate user to “Home Page”.

Customized Home page for Logged-in User

1.     Specification if no election scheduled in next two-six months of time.

Display following Details to User in his customized home page:-
Details about sitting Representatives:-
  • Show Details* about “Parshad / Corporator” of his location with contact details
  • Show Details* about sitting MLA of his location’s legislative assembly
  • Show Details* about Member of Parliament of his location
Details of Representative should include –
Criminal cases or conviction in any crime, education, total assets, Liabilities, His known performances in his location etc. Also provide link to his party manifesto, and ask logged-in user to provide feedback of his representative.
Also display comparative analysis of candidates he fought election against using Google Visualization API.
Allow User to contact his sitting Representative
  • Encourage user to email/phone and ask his representative, his stand on critical issues/bills.
  • Display his candidate’ or his party’s views on pending Legislations and bills.

2.     Home page specification if election is scheduled in next two-six months of time

Show all the details in section 1.
Additionally display details of candidates (if declared) scheduled for upcoming election.

3.     Zoom-out utility at home page

It should be allowed to user to zoom-out the details , if he zooms out, we should display details at following levels :-
  1. Default level showing Details of his own parshad, MLA & MP.
  2. District Level - about all MLAs/Parshad in his district, if he zoom out to level  1
  3. State level - At Level 2 we will display state level details of all the MPs/MLA/Parshad
  4. National Level Details

4.     Change in Location

User should be able to change the location on the fly, and home page should be updated to display the details of specified location, apart from his current location as per his profile.

5.     Utilization of Google Visualization API to represent information in effective manner

We can use Pie Chart to display
  • share of party-wise criminal candidates
  • Share of assets candidate wise for given location
  • Bar chart to show rise in income of candidates, as compared to information provided for previous election.
  • Line Chart to show rise in income of candidates
  • Bar chart to show party-wise educated candidates.
  • Geolocation chart to display intensity of criminals, location wise, Assets details richness , location wise, “most educated representatives” location wise.

Integration with Social Media 

  • Allow User to Tweet or share in Facebook “a specific visual chart” presented anywhere in portal.
  • Send Email or write to registered user’s time-line, if election due is in his constituency, and whenever ADR get additional data related to his constituency (Candidate details, voting date, etc.). Remind him to vote, One month before voting day.
  • Help User to register his name in his constituency as Voter. Get Data about Voter Registration process in his local area, and update him with details. So that he can share these details his friends and followers.

General Information Section

  • Display Roles & Duties of people representative at “Parshad”, MLA, MP level.
  • Publish Result Report of feedback gathered of elected representatives by users of portal.

Technological Recommendation

Presentation Layer
  1. Open Source Twitter-Bootstrap, AngularJS, Google visualization API
Backend layer
  1. REST Service layer using PHP and MySQL (Dart language of Google, or NodeJS can also be replacement for PhP.). Further Guidance :-
    1. REST URL design should be well-thought upon

                                                             ii.      RESTful API Design - Second Edition

  1. Source Code Control
    1. We have to keep it open source and invite developers to contribute. GitHub is best choice for same. We can also use GitHub for issue tracking.
  2. Heroku or Google App Engine (GAE) , GAE also provides free packages for NGOs (needs to explore further)
  3. <<Please Suggest>>
Development RoadMap
Following Epics should be taken up in given order
  1. Offer current database as REST layer in READ only mode (allowing only GET request).
  2. Inclusion of Google Visualization API and Location based Charts & graphs
  3. Registration of user
  4. Integration with Social Media
  5. User Specific PUSH notifications.
Note:- “General Election” is scheduled in Apr-May 2014.

Ways to encourage Users to Spread Information User should earn "reputation", in line with Stackoverflow portal, to encourage them earn as much point as possible. This can be achieved with integrated Facebook APP.