Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Post by GV Dasarathi

30 % OF BJP, CONGRESS MP CANDIDATES HAVE CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST THEM. 13 % of them face serious charges like murder and kidnapping.



Which of these reasons warrants voting for a criminal as our MP ?
1. India needs a 'strong' Prime Minister to root out inefficiency and corruption, and BJP will ensure this.
2. I want a Hindu Rashtra, and BJP will ensure this.
3. I don't want the BJP in power at any cost, so I'm voting Congress because I don't think AAP will win, and don't want to divide the votes.

1. Is the BJP bothered about corruption ? Ask any businessman (like me) who does business on Gujarat about corruption in government purchases there - they'll tell you it's alive and kicking today. The earlier BJP government in Karnataka looted the treasury, raped the environment, and now 2 of the kings of Karnakata corruption have been invited (begged ?) back into the BJP - Yediyurappa and Sriramulu.

2. Does the desire for a Hindu Rashtra include the desire to have moral police thugs like the Sri Rama Sene in Karnataka and the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra (8 of whose current 10 MPs have criminal cases against them) with whom the BJP has an electoral tie up now ? Do we want this : While corrupt politicians are making our economic life miserable, their corrupt moral thug brigade is making our personal and social life miserable ?

3. Do we want the Congress, that quotes Gandhiji and Nehruji, and does 2G and CWG ? That has ensured that we don't get water and power in every home, but definitely get corruption in every home ?

Why don't we think like the Delhi-wallah, who, faced with an unknown party with no track record but good intentions and clean candidates, said "This is enough for me", and almost voted in AAP with a majority ? Who, today, is saying "I made a mistake last time by not giving AAP a majority. I will not make this mistake when the MLA elections are held a second time in a few months". You doubt that this is what they're saying ? If you go to Delhi, just do a casual survey of people (I did it recently, with friends, auto and taxi drivers and shop keepers that I met) and listen to what they say.

Copied above post from Facebook, written by
So that I can share it with world via twitter. @sutikshna

Friday, March 21, 2014

Questions to answer for AAP Candidates

  1. How are you convincing your voters to NOT to vote based on Caste & Religion but Vote based on real issues like "Jobs", "Education" , "Health"?
  2. Have you visited Govt Schools of your constituency, identified the problem being faced by childrens there? Now please visit their parent's houses, with solution you would offer to solve their children's problem in school.
  3. Have you met elderly in your constituency? Did you listen to their problems due to poor conditions of Govt Hospitals? Do you offer concrete solutions to them?
  4. Do you abide by SC 2006 Directive on Police Reforms. Do you provide assurance of voters in your area that you will implement them? It will give them assurance that they will not have to run to any religious Guru in case of riots in village, competent police force will ensure their protection.
  5. Are you able to convice your voters that poor conditions in school/hospitals are due to incompetent MPs who distribute money/liquor during night of elections.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

BSNL post paid broadband installation contractor issue

I emailed following to different email-ids,,

Dear Sir,
I am BSNL fixed line & Internet broadband customer. When I got my broadband connection installed, I opted to use my existing ADSL modem, and refuse to buy new modem from BSNL contractor who came to install broadband at my home and asking me to buy new modem. I configured my modem and used the internet for few months. I changed my address, and got my connection to transfer to new address, but forgot my internet password. I called the same guy for password, but he is refused to tell me and asking me 250/- as installation charges and refusing to give me receipt. I am helpless in following ways :-

1. I am not able to register myself in self-help care portal, :-
I am getting different errors from last few days, each time I try, right now I am getting following error:-

"Broadband User ID is Invalid or You do not have Active Broadband in Your Service." ,

 I want to logon to this portal to change my password.

2. No one is picking phone on Customer Care Help Line numbers (I am trying this number from last 6-7 days) :- 1800-345-1504

My details are :-
Customer Id - 1022370758
Account Number - 1022370765
UserName for Internet - du2026898336
Phone - 020-26898336

My personal mobile number - 8888998716 / 8888877189
Sir please help me in resolving this issue.