How secure your email & social networking accounts
Today I realize that these web-sites behave very differently then I expect them to. I tested facebook & gmail both, and I could not understand the meaning of tick-boxes in respective login pages:-
My assumption was if I close browser window without doing logout/signout , browser should forget my session, if I did not tick "remeber me" or "stay signed in" tick boxes at the time of log-on.
But to my surprise even if I do not tick this tick boxes browser still remembers my logged-in session even after restart of machine. What is the meaning of tick boxes? Can someone please give me logic behind these tick-boxes.
Password Hell and no sign of saving yourself from it
I found most of my friends are facing this problem (their social networking/email account being hacked). Reason for this is we normally use same email-id/password at time of being sign-up to other services/product/company sites. Sometime these sites can represent trusted source, and sometimes these may not be the case.
Only recommendation is to never use same password with emailid being provided as user-ID, which is password of your id in different services you use (facebook/gmail etc.). Give a different password to these sites, and never repeat actual password which you use in conjunction with original user-name.
If you ever happen to use these services from browser of different machine, never forget to clear history. as things like following exist in browsers:-